7 sept. 2013


   I never thought that I would end up loving my job as much as I do. It's only been a week, but I loved everything about it, even my clumsiness (yes, I've done some stupid things, but I have an excuse: I'm new). The fact that I love my job so much it's what gets me out of my bed every day at 5 am. I live very far from where I work and I get home very very late at night. I get 4-5 hours of sleep and then I'm up again. 5 am every morning. And I'm not a morning person, I'm the kind that likes to sleep 8-10 hours (even 12 sometimes, yeas, I know). All I can think about is sleep. I've been so tired this past week, like I never was in my life.The job isn't tiring, but this crazy schedule is. So I am so happy that it's Saturday and I got to sleep like a normal person today. And I plan on doing nothing all day long.

'So shut your eyes,
Kiss me goodbye,
And sleep.
Just sleep.'

(My Chemical Romance - Sleep)

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