8 nov. 2013

2 months later...

Wow! Time flies by so fast when you are busy. The craziness of the first weeks in a new country are long gone... I have a rutine now: work-home and repeat. I got accustomed to the people, language and places. I just wish I had more time for myself. I am either busy or tired and always on the run. But hopefully this hectic schedule will change next month when I move. I will be living closer to my workplace and I will have time for myself (Yes!).
Looking back over these months that have passed I can't help but think that time on Earth is flying with an outer space speed. I can't remember what I did, execept the same routine over and over again: Week of work and looking forward for the weekend to sleep. But enaugh with the complaints. Why was I MIA for so long? Well... The other day I remembered I started a blog and totally forgot about it. So I downloaded this app that allows me to write my posts on the phone (why didn't I do this sooner?). So I hope that now I get to write a little bit of something everyday.
For now I leave you with something I really miss (didn't have one today :( ) :

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