7 sept. 2013


   I never thought that I would end up loving my job as much as I do. It's only been a week, but I loved everything about it, even my clumsiness (yes, I've done some stupid things, but I have an excuse: I'm new). The fact that I love my job so much it's what gets me out of my bed every day at 5 am. I live very far from where I work and I get home very very late at night. I get 4-5 hours of sleep and then I'm up again. 5 am every morning. And I'm not a morning person, I'm the kind that likes to sleep 8-10 hours (even 12 sometimes, yeas, I know). All I can think about is sleep. I've been so tired this past week, like I never was in my life.The job isn't tiring, but this crazy schedule is. So I am so happy that it's Saturday and I got to sleep like a normal person today. And I plan on doing nothing all day long.

'So shut your eyes,
Kiss me goodbye,
And sleep.
Just sleep.'

(My Chemical Romance - Sleep)

3 sept. 2013

It's alright...

   I've started work almost a week ago and I was terrified. I had no idea what to expect and all this fear was building up inside me. But now, after less than a week I can say I'm satisfied. Of course, it's difficult at the begining because you have to get used to everything, the location, coworkers and you need to get the hang of things. But thank God I have great coworkers, they helped me a lot and I'm so thankful. I hope all will continue to go well and I can get more and more familiar with everything. 

'Give it all and ask no return
And very soon you'll see and you'll begin to learn
That's it's alright, yes it's alright'

(Black Sabbath - It's alright)